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Junior Infants had great fun setting up an opticians in the classroom for Aistear (play) time!

In the role play area, children got their eyes tested.  The optician pointed to one letter at a time on the chart and the customer had to say ALL the letter names, even as the letters became smaller and smaller near the bottom!  There was a great selection of glasses available for people who needed them!

The eye chart was no bother really as we know all the letter names!

The eye chart was no bother really as we know all the letter names!





This customer was a bit unsure about the glasses on offer!



The opticians worked very hard!

The opticians worked very hard!


Can you read this letter?

Can you read this letter?


At the creative table, the children decorated their own glasses and also made binoculars!

Our designer glasses!

Our designer glasses!



What beautiful frames!


Things look way clearer through these!

Things look way clearer through these!

Making binoculars!

Making binoculars!




All the hard work paid off!


I spy with my little eye....!

I spy with my little eye….!


Ever get the feeling you're being watched...?

Ever get the feeling you’re being watched…?





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