028 28400

1st Class

Class: 1st Class 23/24

Teacher: Ms. O’Sullivan(Deputy Principal)

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Class Archived News

Swimming in Baltimore
Swimming in Baltimore
3rd class have been busy travelling to Baltimore every Wednesday for swimming. Carrie and Catriona have been putting us [...]

Some Memories of Rang 1 for the School Year 2023-2024


First Class Making Christmas Cribs 2023

Encouraging Creativity

All the children in Rang 1 were encouraged to create their very own Christmas crib ..
And look at what amazing creations they had.. all designed to remind us of the that very First Christmas. 2024 years ago!

Well done everyone! So nice to see all that creativity being nurtured!

First Class Making Christmas Puddings

Our very own Masterchefs !

Our Christmas Puddings were made in November,
All we put in them I quite well remember..
Currants and raisins and sugar and spice
Orange peel …lemon peel.
Everything Nice !