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Our Physical Education Programme

All classes will focus on developing the games strand in PE throughout March and April

PSSI lesson plans form a basis for the teaching and learning of all PE strands and strand units
There are fifteen Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) which children should be competent in by the time they reach 6th class, many of these will be developed through the teaching of the games strand

Here at Scoil Mhuire N.S., we ensure that all children receive an hour of Physical Education a week as set out by the NCCA P.E. Curriculum (1999). We are lucky to experience a wide variety of strands every year (at least 5) and our teaching is guided by the 7 key messages of the P.E. Curriculum. The 6 strands we cover are: Aquatics, Games, Outdoor and Adventure, Gymnastics, Dance and Athletics.

These 7 messages are as follows:

  • The importance of enjoyment and play
  • Maximum participation by all children
  • Development of skills and understanding
  • Balance between competitive and non-competitive activities
  • Balance between contact and non-contact activities
  • Providing opportunities for achievement for every child
  • Providing activities equally suitable for boys and girls


Our main focus is to assist the children in our school to achieve their potential to lead active and healthy lives and derive a sense of enjoyment and fulfilment.

Curriculum Planning


  • Athletics
  • Dance
  • Gymnastics
  • Games
  • Outdoor and Adventure Activities
  • Aquatics

Children have access to all six strands each year. A timetable for swimming is circulated to each teacher at the start of the year.

Organisational Planning

  • One hour per week is allocated to P.E.
  • Coaches are used to support the class teacher in dance, aquatics, hurling and rugby on an annual basis.

PE. Equipment and I.C.T.

  • An inventory of resources and equipment is made available to each teacher at the beginning of each year
  • The equipment is stored in a designated room and every teacher has access to it.

P.E Equipment

We are lucky to have a lot of equipment available to us, which the Senior Classes and the Active School Flag committee regularly re-organise and monitor. This year, we have labelled everything in the PE room to make sure everything is nice and tidy!



This year as part of the Active school flag process we are putting a big emphasis of the Games strand of the P.E curriculum. Over a period of six weeks, in conjunction with the PSSI lesson plans, all teachers have taught the Games strand with a specific goal of utilising all elements of the strand.

The junior and senior infants playing various games that include hula hoops and cones

3rd class practicing their soccer skills

4th class playing basket ball

5th class

5th class practicing their running and sprinting techniques

6th class