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Junior Infants

Class: Jun  Infants 23/24

Teacher: Ms. O’Donovan

Junior Infants 23/24 Latest News

Junior and Senior Infants had a great time on their school tour to Smugglers Cove in Rosscarbery!


Junior and Senior Infants enjoyed their day aboard the Polar Express!

Junior Infants enjoyed listening to some Christmas stories in the halla. Thanks to our reading buddies in 2nd class!


Junior Infants visiting the Crib in our school. We have been very busy learning about the Christmas Story for our 25 year celebrations. We look forward to performing our poem titled “The Christmas Story” in the church next week

Jun & Sen Infants Archived News

Junior Infants School Tour 2016
Junior Infants School Tour 2016
Junior Infants had a fantastic day out on their school tour to Glenilen Farm and Skibbereen Sports Centre. We had a f[...]
Junior Infants learn about Fire Safety
Junior Infants learn about Fire Safety
Fire Safety Members of Schull Fire Brigade paid a visit to junior infants in April to discuss fire safety and explain t[...]
Farm Visit
Farm Visit
Over the last two weeks, Junior Infants have been learning a lot about the farm.  We have learned about the animals foun[...]
Easter News from Junior Infants
Easter News from Junior Infants
Junior Infants are looking forward to the Easter break after a very busy second term in school.  Here are just some of t[...]
Games of the Past
Games of the Past
As we approach the centenary of the 1916 rising, Junior Infants have been trying out some of the games that children of [...]