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Parents’ Association

Scoil Mhuire Parents Association provide the structure through which parents can work together for the best possible education for their children. They work with the Principal, Staff and Board of Management to build effective partnerships between home and school, encouraging a programme of activities which will promote the involvement of parents in the operation of the school. They, in consultation with the Principal promote the interests of the students.


Who and What is the Parents’ Association (P.A.)?:
The parents association comprises all parents and guardians of each child in the school. Once your child is enrolled in the school, you are automatically a member. The aim of the parents association is to promote the interests of the students in co-operation with the principal, teachers, students and board of management. As a member, we hope that you can find a way of helping to achieve this goal. Examples of what we get up to are listed below.


Social Events and Activities:
We believe the social side of school is very important to each child’s growth. Indeed, it is often the friendships formed and the extra-curricular events and activities which we all remember from our school days. We would like to provide those opportunities to our children and we like to involve the children as much as possible in running events which are for their benefit.
Our children have had the opportunity through the school to try out golf, kayaking, music and drama, each of which was partly funded and supported by the Parents’ Association.
Two Cake and Toy Sales were organised and run by 6th class in co-operation with the P.A.
Fun Run – This event has been run by the Parents’ Association for over ten years now and as well as being a fun community and family social gathering it has the added benefit of encouraging children to be active. The 5km event is held in April and also helps to raise funds for other Parents’ Association events. Parents help to steward and organise and many join the run too!
A very popular annual community event in Schull is the Tree of Light Ceremony at Christmas. So many people get involved and we are very grateful to Santa Claus for taking time out from his busy schedule to pay us a visit. While the Parents’ Association co-ordinate this special occasion, it truly is a wonderful display of community spirit.
The P.A. is active in the Schull-Le Guilvinec Twinning school exchange and other twinning activities.
6th class graduation – The Parents’ Association sponsored pizzas and 5th class parents in particular helped out with baking and hosting the event.
Junior Infants Welcome Morning for Parents – A coffee morning to welcome parents of our new young pupils was hosted by P.A. members.
Teachers organise extra-curricular activities and some involve the assistance of the Parents’ Association. We are very grateful for the opportunities and experiences that the teachers provide in this way and endeavour to support them and help with organisational input into school events such as the School Fête. A little additional pruning and weeding for the award winning school garden and some marshalling for the Green Flag (Travel) walking, cycling or scooting to school events are other examples. The P.A. has also assisted with funding of buses for school sporting trips and events.
We know that government financial support to school is not generous! As well as the activities listed above, there are many facilities in the school which have been made possible by the contributions of the wider community through the fund raising efforts of the Parents’ Association. In recent years, sports singlets, some whiteboards and funding towards classroom specific resources were provided, a new bench was bought and a bike rack was installed through Parents’ Association funding. The types of fundraising are very varied. There are numerous cake sales, the sale of Christmas cards designed by children, the Tree of Light, the Fun Run, Mad Hair Day, seeking sponsorship from local sources, and kind donations.


So What has this all got to do with YOU?:
We hope that you will agree that the Parents’ Association is an active positive force in Scoil Mhuire National School. We would like all parents to contribute their views, their experiences and their talents to making the school years of our sons and daughters the happiest and most fruitful they can be. Perhaps you will identify some ways in which you can get active! We would ask every parent to be involved. There may be one or two events per year that you could help out with.
If you have a skill or talent and a little time to spare, please let the Committee know. We constantly seek new activities to enhance school life.
We send notes home with children with information on upcoming events. Please keep an eye out for these and volunteer to help out with activities.