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First Class School Tour!

This year, First Class were joined on their School Tour by Junior Infants. We went to Smugglers Cove in Rosscarbery where we got lost in a timber maze, played crazy golf and then we were entertained by Tony Baloney! We had a super day, and we are looking forward to next years tour already! 🙂


This was the timber maze where we ran around while trying to find the letters to mark our task cards.

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Everyone looking fresh after nearly an hour of  running!!

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These were the cards we were given going into the maze. We had to find the letters which were located throughout the maze, with each letter having a different stamp.

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We had our lunch with fabulous views in the background, overlooking Rosscarbery.

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We then got to practice our golf skills on the 18-hole Crazy Golf Course……

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Finally, we were entertained by Tony Baloney. He told us stories, played games, did magic tricks and best of all, we all got a balloon going home, which he had turned into different animals!

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We had a great day as you can see from the pictures!!





The Coast Guard’s visit to our school

We were very lucky for the Coast Guard to come visit our school and talk to us about what they do and how they help people in difficulty both on land and in the open water. We got to see the equipment that they use everyday and we learned what we need to know before we go on a boating trip.

We listened to everything they had to say, and we asked questions also.


Eduard was asked to put on a life jacket to demonstrate how to tie it properly and to ensure that it does not come off when in the water



This is a ring buoy used in rescues – “A stolen ring buoy, a stolen life!”


The First Aid kit that the Coast Guard use


The outfit that is worn to keep volunteers warm and dry when out on a rescue


The throw rope that is used in rescues


The Coast Guard rib that came to the school



Gardening Season is upon us

Now that the sun is shining again, we got the opportunity to plant some flowers in our school garden. With a little help from some 4th, 5th and 6th Class boys and girls, we planted some Marigolds, Petunias and Begonias. Here are some pictures of us in action.

20150422_142550  20150422_142633 Manon is busy planting some Marigolds

20150422_142718Louis is happy to be outside weeding


20150422_142746 20150422_142754 Other boys and girls who were happy to be outside


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20150501_143040 20150501_143051 First Class were helped by the 6th Class girls who showed them how to dig a hole and plant a flower


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Active First Class!

First Class are busy being active this term. They have been completing different activities and keeping very fit!


Firstly, they took part in team-bonding skills and rugby ball skills

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Pupils also complete dancing activities in the classroom:


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We also finished off their golf sessions by designing and creating their own golf courses and then we played each of the courses.

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Our Spring Art is so colourful

All of First Class are delighted for Spring to finally be here! We can now play outside later in the evenings because it is staying brighter longer. Since the beginning of Spring, we have noticed all the flowers beginning to grow in our gardens at home and in the school garden again.


To celebrate the arrival of Spring, we used egg cartons to make lots of different coloured flowers. We used a lot of bright colours to show that Spring is finally here!



Here are some of our flowers up close. They all have different colours and size petals:


Some pupils used coloured pencils instead of paint


Others put splashes of paint so show the wind blowing the petals


There even was a butterfly admiring the flowers in this picture!



A lovely Spring sky can be seen in the background


