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The Restaurant

Junior Infants worked very hard at creating a restaurant in the classroom lately.

In the role play area, we set up the kitchen and the tables and took turns working and eating  in the restaurant.  We had expert advice from professional chef Yann Delalande, who was kind enough to come in and explain his work to us.  He showed us his tool box of kitchen tools, which included whisks, spatulas, Parisian spoons and some very sharp knives.  He explained how he sharpens the knives using a stone or a steel rod.  Yann told us about the long day worked by a chef, starting to prepare food in the morning and finishing up late at night.  Finally, he also brought us in a duplicate book, which is the notebook used by a waiter. He showed us how to fill in the order page and then give the white original sheet to the chef and retain the yellow for helping to add up the bill! We learned a lot about the workings of a restaurant from him.  Thanks Yann!

At the creative table, we made food from playdough for the restaurant, as well as placemats, menus and tasty pizzas!

We made our own menus!

We made our own menus!

Menu creation!

Menu creation!

A completed menu!

A completed menu!

A márla meal....yum!

A márla meal….yum!


These builders were starving!

Having a bite to eat!

Having a bite to eat!

Taking down the order!

Taking down the order!

The Pizza Factory!

The Pizza Factory!

Food preparation!

Food preparation!

What a nice restaurant!

What a nice restaurant!

A real chef's tool box!

A real chef’s tool box!

Yann explained the work of a chef to us!

Yann explained the work of a chef to us!

We tried out the duplicate book used by real waiters!

We tried out the duplicate book used by real waiters!

Thanks a million Yann!

Thanks a million Yann!

Halloween Fun in Junior Infants

Junior Infants had great fun in the run up to Halloween.

We played trick or treat and made spooky Halloween spiders and witches’ cauldrons!

We also opened our very own costume shop and made Halloween prints!

Finally, on the day of the holidays, we played traditional Halloween games like snap apple and bobbing for apples.  Here are some pictures of us at work and at play!

We did a lot of cutting, sticking and painting to make spider decorations!

We did a lot of cutting, sticking and painting to make spider decorations!


Busy at work!

Busy at work!



We made Halloween prints!


We went trick or treating to this little house!

We went trick or treating to this little house!

Trick or Treat!

Trick or Treat!


We counted how many sweets we had!

We counted how many sweets we had!


How many can you count here?

How many can you count here?


Trying on an outfit in the costume shop!

Trying on an outfit in the costume shop!


The costume shop accepted cash and credit cards!

The costume shop accepted cash and credit cards!


Snap Apple!

Snap Apple!



Bobbing for apples!


Our fantastic costumes!

Our fantastic costumes!




Post Office Play

We recently learned all about the important work done at the post office and by the people who deliver the post every day.  The school post person, Bernie, came and told us all about her work.  She explained how she starts work really early in the morning and sorts the mail into different boxes, depending on what part of Schull they must go to.  Then she loads up her van and gets to work.  She told us about the little cart she has for wheeling the post around the village and told us of how important it is for her to wear her high-vis vest on dark mornings and evenings.

We set up our own post office in the classroom and took turns being the postmaster,  postmistress,   post person and customers.  Customers wrote letters and filled in forms and the people in the post office weighed and stamped the letters.  Once the letters were in the postbox, the post person collected them and sorted them for delivery.  It was great fun.

The creative table made a post box for the post office and a mail train for taking the post to Dublin!

The construction area produced lots of great lego models of post offices and post vans.

Here are some pictures of us busy at work!

Thanks very much to Bernie for paying us a visit!

Thanks very much to Bernie for paying us a visit!


Our busy post office!

Our busy post office!

Customers filled out forms!

Customers filled out forms!

We used weighing scales to weigh letters.

we used weighing scales to weigh letters.

Making the post box.

Making the post box.

We used stencils to paint on the An Post logo.

We used stencils to paint on the An Post logo.

The post box had to be emptied every day!

The post box had to be emptied every day!

Luckily, we had a sorting office for sorting all that post!

Luckily, we had a sorting office for sorting all that post!

Making the mail train!

Making the mail train!

The mail train with driver!

The mail train with driver!

Taking the post to Dublin!

Taking the post to Dublin!

Look at this fantastic post van!

Look at this fantastic post van!

The post office!

The post office!

Another marvellous creation by one of our master builders!!

Another marvellous creation by one of our master builders!!


Fire Safety Demonstration

Cork County Fire Service visited the school today and gave a very interesting demonstration of how to extinguish a chip pan fire, with the help of members of Schull fire brigade.

They ensured that we were all a safe distance away before advising us of what to do in the event of a chip pan going on fire.

This is what a chip pan looks like when it catches fire!

This is what a chip pan looks like when it catches fire!

They advised us:

  • Always have a working smoke alarm in the home!
  • Call 999 or 112 if you need the fire brigade.

In the event of a chip pan fire:

  • Turn off the cooker.
  • NEVER use water to put out a chip pan fire.  This is because the water will accelerate the fire and make it worse!
  • Protect hands and use a fire blanket or a tea towel that has been soaked in water and wrung out well to cover the fire.
  • Do not attempt to remove the tea towel or fire blanket as this will reignite the fire!
  • Call 999 or 112 if you need the fire brigade.
A fire blanket can be used to cover the fire.

A fire blanket can be used to cover the fire.

A wet tea towel can be used, but wring it out well first!

If you use water on the fire, it makes it worse!

If you use water on the fire, it makes it worse!

Thank you to Cork County Council Fire Service for the demonstration and all the advice!

Our First Day at Scoil Mhuire NS!

Greetings from all the new Junior Infants at Scoil Mhuire NS!  We  had a very exciting first day at school with Ms Jones.  We played with the toys,  sang rhymes and songs and played in the yard .   We are all looking forward to the weeks ahead now that we know our way around!

Here are some pictures from our first couple of days at school!













































The girls built a new car for Miss Jones!


The boys built a house and a home for the dinosaur!


It is amazing what you can make with the straws!


The restaurant opened for business!


The chef had to work hard to meet all the orders!


All major credit cards accepted!


This customer came very smartly dressed!




The solar system!