We would like to share with you the drawings of the Scoil Mhuire Playground Project which will be commencing later on this school year.

A lot of people have been working in the background over the past three years to bring this project to where it is now and we are so delighted to announce that we hope to have it completed by September 2024 .

A special word of thanks to Judy and Bill Bollinger for their generosity and dedication to this amazing project.

It will surely heralds the beginning a very special chapter in Scoil Mhuire N.S

We look forward to continuing to involve the children in this whole project as this year progresses

On Monday 11th September Denis O”Donovan of O”Donovan Mac Conville and Associates delivered a presentation to the pupils of Scoil Mhuire N.S. The children were so delighted to see all the plans and participated with enthusiasm l posing many questions for Denis in the question and answer session that followed his presentation. Each classroom now has it ‘s own set of drawings and children are encouraged to investigate these so that they can learn how the whole process begins and will progress throughout the year .

We also plan to facilitate a number of different presentations from experts in the different areas of this project as it progresses.

The students of all the classes throughout the school have already created some beautiful artistic suggestions for the graphic designers who will be working on the ball net .

We will be creating a special page on this website dedicated to keeping you all up to date on this project throughout the school year.

So keep watching!

We want you to come on this journey with us too !

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