On behalf of the children and staff, I would like to extend a Céad Míle Fáilte to Scoil Mhuire National School, Schull.
Set in the heart of an area of outstanding natural beauty, the village of Schull is one of the loveliest in West Cork. Our school enjoys beautiful views of the ocean and the harbour is just a short walk away.
At Scoil Mhuire N.S., we pride ourselves in providing a happy, holistic and dynamic learning environment. Our ethos is based on mutual respect and valuing each other’s uniqueness.
We are supported by an effective and dedicated Board of Management and Parents’ Association. Together with parents and guardians, we work to provide the best educational experience possible for every student.
Scoil Mhuire N.S. is a co-educational primary school under the patronage of the Catholic Bishop of Cork and Ross. While we are a Catholic school, we welcome and respect all faiths and none. Respect for each individual within our school community is a core value at Scoil Mhuire.
Our pupils benefit from a broad yet balanced curriculum, rich with learning experiences that provide opportunities for success across a wide range of subject areas. Our newly refurbished infant playground, our spacious school yards, green areas, school garden, willowdome and animal sculptures area provide creative spaces for the children to play and enjoy.
As acting principal, it is my privilege to work with such a dedicated, professional staff, who ensure that all pupils receive the highest standards of learning and teaching.
I wish to express my gratitude to our entire school community – to the pupils, parents, teachers, SNAs, secretary and all involved, as well as our Parents’ Association, Board of Management and the wider Schull community. Together, everyone makes Scoil Mhuire N.S. the uniquely special school that it is.
We are a school rich in tradition.  Chomh maith le labhairt na Gaeilge a spreagadh sa scoil, déantar iarracht freisin ár gcultúr Ghaelach a spreagadh trí gníomhaíochtaí éagsúla, idir cheol, damhsa, amhránaíocht tradisiúnta agus chluichí Gaelacha.
My hope is that all who visit this website will get a snapshot of daily life in our school, share in our celebrations and achievements, and gain a sense of who we are and how child-centred Scoil Mhuire N.S. Schull truly is.
Le gach dea ghui,

Pauline O’Sullivan

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