In 1996, two primary schools existed in the village of Schull. It was clear to all that the accommodation provided by the Convent National School and the Boy’s National School was not appropriate for the children they were serving. The Convent N.S. was built in the early 20th Century was a two story building and was no longer suitable for modern educational needs. The Boy’s School was built in 1895 and its structure was basically unchanged. Both schools had problems regarding space, heating and lighting.

Fr. Jerome Hurley (R.I.P.) took on the task of getting Department of Education and Science (D.E.S.) approval for a new school. He acquired a site. The Planning Unit and D.E.S. drew-up the architect’s plan and the new school project was brought to completion. The school opened its doors to the 161 children from the two old schools on 14th December, 1998 and was officially opened on May 4th 2000.

The new school was named Scoil Mhuire National School. Even though there are many Scoil Mhuires throughout the country, the name could not be passed up in Schull (ScoilMhuire); the site of the original Scola Maria founded by the Franciscan Monks in the fourteenth century. The school crest was designed to symbolize these first monks coming to Schull to establish their monastic school.

When Scoil Mhuire N.S. was built in 1998, it provided at that time six classrooms for 161 pupils and seven teachers. As the school was initially left short of one classroom, the General Purposes Room had to be used as a classroom. In 2011 an extension to the School was added with 2 new classrooms, 3 resource rooms and an upstairs storage area. This replaced 4 portacabins which had been needed to accommodate some of our pupils. We have made a big dent in the loan taken out to cover this extension, but fundraising still continues.

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