Scoil Mhuire NS is the local Primary School in the picturesque fishing village of Schull in West Cork. With Mount Gabriel as a backdrop to the village and tranquil Schull Harbour on it’s doorstep, our school is in the envious position of being located in one of the most scenic and beautiful areas in all of Ireland.

Scoil Mhuire is a co-educational Primary School with a current enrolment of 148 pupils. These pupils are drawn from a wide hinterland of Schull village ranging from Toormore in the west to Ballydehob in the east.

Teaching Staff

Our teaching staff is comprised of a total of 11 teachers. This includes 4 Special Education teachers, one of whom is shared with a local school. We also have three SNA’s, a secretary and a caretaker here at Scoil Mhuire NS.
Class Teacher
Junior Infants Ms. Niamh O’Donovan
Senior Infants Ms. Pauline O’Sullivan (Deputy Principal)
1st/2nd Class Mr. Liam O’Driscoll
2nd & 3rd Class Ms. Johanna Griffin
4th/5th Class Mr. Lorraine Whelton
5th & 6th Class Mr. Michael O’Callaghan
Special Education Teacher Ms. Marie O’Neill/Ms. Emer Cleary/Ms. Elaine Flavin/Ms. Cáit Minihane/Ms. Alison Cronin
SNA Sheila Griffin
SNA Maria O’Sullivan
SNA Aisling Cronin Duffy
Secretary Paula O’Driscoll


Our facilities include 8 large classrooms, 3 learning support and resource rooms, a General Purpose Room (Fr. Hurley Hall), interactive whiteboards in all classrooms, a portable laptop trolley, a large outdoor area including a basketball court, two hard surface soccer or GAA playing areas with two permanent goals, and a beautiful award winning garden which includes a grass area.

Our School Day

School Gates Open: 9.10am
School Times: 9.20am – 2.00pm Junior & Senior Infant Classes
School Times: 9.20am – 3.00pm All other Classes
Our school is open at 9.10am each morning and formal classes begin at 9.20am. Children may line up at the front and back of the school from 9.10am and their class teacher will collect them at 9.20am. Children have their first break at 11.00am until 11.10am (10 minutes) and they have their second break at 12.30pm until 1.00pm (30 minutes).

School Uniform

Merlin blue jumper with school crest (available at Barnetts, Schull). Pale blue candy striped shirt with school tie. Grey skirt, pinafore or trousers. Black/Grey tights or socks. Black sensible shoes or runners (no high heels or platforms).
Merlin blue jumper with school crest (available at Barnetts, Schull). Pale blue candy striped shirt with school tie. Grey trousers. Black/grey socks. Black sensible shoes or runners
Navy blue track pants and sweatshirts, baby blue or white polo shirt. Runners may be any colour but please ensure they are safely laced/velcroed. Avoid loose lace styles such as DC’s.
Warm Weather
Shorts can only be worn during the period from after the Easter holidays right up until the October mid-term break if the weather is favourable. These shorts must be unbranded and navy in colour (no sports shorts) and can be purchased in Barnetts. They can be worn with the rest of the sports uniform ie. runners, polo shirt and sweatshirt. This uniform can be worn on warm days even if it is not your child’s PE day.
*Please ensure that your child’s name is clearly marked on his/her school jumper. Hopefully, this will spare money for you and confusion for all of us as the year goes by! Jumpers, ties and shirts are available at Barnetts of Schull, Main St.*
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