Your child’s books will be given to him/her on their first morning at school. These books will be purchased by the school through our Book Rental Scheme. The fee for this is €70 and can be paid to your class teacher during the first week of school. See accompanying note on the Book Rental Scheme for further details. See below lists, by class, for items that will need to be purchased.
Please note that scissors and glue will be collected and kept in the classroom and will only be given out when needed during Art or other activity.
Please ensure that you label each pencil and twistable with your child’s name. This will save you having to replace misplaced ones over the course of the year.
Please note Scoil Mhuire NS operates a healthy eating policy to promote life-long education on healthy eating for mind and body. Details of this policy can be found on our website www.schullns.com. We appreciate your co-operation in implementing this healthy eating policy in our school.
Also because our school has been awarded the Green Flag, we request that the children use reusable and recyclable lunch and drink containers
School Starting and Finishing Times:
Note: School doors will open each morning at 9.10am and class begins at 9.20am.
School finishes at 2.00pm (Juniors & Seniors) 3.00pm (1st – 6th).
Please note Scoil Mhuire NS operates a healthy eating policy to promote life-long education on healthy eating for mind and body. Details of this policy can be found on our website www.schullns.com. We appreciate your co-operation in implementing this healthy eating policy in our school.
Junior Infants – Academic year 2024/2025
Please purchase the following items that your child will need:
- 5 Triangular Grip Pencils (labelled with name)
- 2 x A4 Mesh Zip Folder (See picture below)
- 1 Plastic Button Envelope A5 Size (see picture below)
- Scissors (labelled with name)
- 2 Prittstick Glue (labelled with name)
- Large Crayola Twistables – single colours, not rainbow.
- Eraser and Sharpener (one that holds shavings)
- 1 Tub Playdough
- 1 Clear Mesh Pencilcase (See picture below)
Please ensure that you label each pencil and twistable with your child’s name. This will save you having to replace misplaced ones over the course of the year.
Please also label the two folders and play dough with your child’s first name and on a plain white label (89 x 36mm) preferably.
Please note Scoil Mhuire NS operates a healthy eating policy to promote lifelong education on healthy eating for mind and body. Details of this policy can be found on our website www.schullns.com. We appreciate your co-operation in implementing this healthy eating policy in our school.
Our school has been awarded the Green Flag, we request that children use reusable and recyclable lunch and drink containers.
Junior Infant Start and Finish Times – September 2024
Wednesday August 28th 10am – 12:15pm
Thursday August 29th and Friday August 30th 9:20am – 12:15pm
Monday 2nd – Friday 13th September 9:20am – 1:15pm
Monday 16th September onwards 9:20am – 2:00pm
Please note: school gates are open @ 9:10am. Children are not to enter before this time. Children line up with their class and their teacher will collect the line and bring to the classroom at 9:20am. At home time, please wait outside the school wall and Ms. O’Donovan will bring the class outside to meet you.
We will hold informal parent teacher meetings with all class teachers in September. These proved to be very informative and worthwhile last year. At the meeting Ms. O’Donovan will share information re homework, reading, class trips etc., This meeting will be a good opportunity for you to build on the important and valuable relationship between home and school. Meetings will be held during the school day in September for approximately 20 minutes.
Junior Infant Meeting will take place on Tuesday 17th September a 1:30pm
Senior Infants – Academic year 2024/2025
Stationery List
- 2 x A4 Size Folders meshed and zipped
- 4 x Pencils (2 triangular chunky and 2 HB pencils – all labeled with name)
- 3 x A4 Folders with plastic sheets inside
- 1 x A4 Plastic Button Envelope
- 1 Pair of Scissors (labeled with name)
- 3 x Prittstick (labeled with name)
- Large Crayola Twistables (labeled with name please)
- 2 x Black Whiteboard Marker (Medium point pen slim dry wipe)
- Eraser
- Pencil Sharpener (that can sharpen chunky and ordinary pencils and that holds shavings.
Please note that scissors and glue will be collected and kept in the classroom and will only be given out when needed during Art or other activities
Please ensure that you label each pencil and twistable with your child’s name. This will save you having to replace misplaced ones over the course of the year.
Please note Scoil Mhuire NS operates a healthy eating policy to promote lifelong education on healthy eating for mind and body. Details of this policy can be found on our website www.schullns.com. We appreciate your co-operation in implementing this healthy eating policy in our school.
Our school has been awarded the Green Flag, we request that children use reusable and recyclable lunch and drink containers.
First Class – Academic year 2024/2025
Stationery List
- 5 Pencils (labelled with name)
- 2 Plastic Button Folders
- 1 Plastic Button Envelope
- Scissors (labelled with name)
- 2 x Prittstick (labelled with name)
- Large Crayola Twistables – single colours, not rainbow.
- Eraser and Sharpener (one that holds shavings)
- 2 x Black Whiteboard Markers (Medium point pen slim dry wipe)
- 1 x Tin Whistle D (Generation Brand)
- 1 x A4 Binder Folder with plastic pockets
Please note that scissors and glue will be collected and kept in the classroom and will only be given out when needed during Art or other activities.
Please ensure that you label each pencil and twistable with your child’s name. This will save you having to replace misplaced ones over the course of the year
Please note Scoil Mhuire NS operates a healthy eating policy to promote lifelong education on healthy eating for mind and body. Details of this policy can be found on our website www.schullns.com. We appreciate your co-operation in implementing this healthy eating policy in our school.
Our school has been awarded the Green Flag, we request that children use reusable and recyclable lunch and drink containers.
Second Class Stationary List 2024-2025
- 3x pencils
- 1x rubber
- 1x sharpener
- 1x 30cm ruler
- 2x red pens
- Colouring pencils
- 1x scissors
- 3 x large glue sticks
- 2 x A4 button folders (reading and SPHE sheets)
- 2 x black whiteboard markers
- 1 x highlighter
- I x A4 zip folder (for homework)
Keep last year’s tin whistle folder with sheets.
Stationery List Second Class September 2024
3rd Class
Stationary List 2024-2025
- 3x pencils
- 1x rubber
- 1x sharpener
- 1x 30cm ruler
- 2x red pens
- 2x blue pens (ordinary Bic pens, no novelty pens please)
- Colouring pencils
- 1x scissors
- 3 x large glue sticks
- 2 x A4 button folders (reading and SPHE sheets)
- 2 x black whiteboard markers
- 1 x highlighter
- I x A4 zip folder (for homework)
Keep last year’s tin whistle folder with sheets
4th Class
Stationary List 2024-2025
- Biros (Red, Blue, Black) x2
- Pencils x2
- Colouring Pencils,
- Ruler x2,
- Eraser,
- Topper,
- A4 plastic button folders x3
- Maths Set,
- Scissors,
- Pritt Stick x 2
- Whiteboard markers x2
(All to be labelled with pupil’s name).
The children can reuse their music/tin whistle folders, calculators, dictionaries, thesauruses and atlases next year.
5th Class
Stationary List 2024-2025
- Biros (Red, Blue, Black) x2
- Pencils x2
- Colouring Pencils,
- Ruler x2,
- Eraser,
- Topper,
- A4 plastic button folders x3
- Maths Set,
- Scissors,
- Pritt Stick x 2
- Whiteboard markers x2
(All to be labelled with pupil’s name).
The children can reuse their music/tin whistle folders, calculators, dictionaries, thesauruses and atlases next year.
6th Class
Stationary List 2024-2025
- A4 Button/Zip
- Plastic Wallet x 2
- Pritt sticks x 3
- 30cm Ruler
- Maths Set (Compass, Pencil, Set
- Squares, Protractor, Ruler)
- Bic Black Pen x2
- Bic Blue Pen x2
- Bic Red Pen x2
- Highlighter (Yellow/Orange) x1
- HB Pencils x2
- White Board Marker (Blue/Black) x2
- Colouring Pencils
- Eraser
- Sharpener
- Scissors
- No Liquid Tipp-ex (Tape roller only if desired)
- Calculator
- D Tin Whistle
- Folder with Plastic Pockets
(Please ensure all your child’s stationery are clearly labelled with their name)