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Team Hope Ireland – Confirming Hope

5th and 6th class Confirmation pupils took part in the Team Hope Ireland Confirming Hope appeal this year. Team Hope is a charity organisation who helps poor children in third world countries who cannot get an education. The Confirming Hope project focuses on the country of Malawi and the need for education to break the cycle of poverty.

5th and 6th class pupils learned about life in Malawi, Team Hope Ireland and how they can make a difference. The pupils made a donation of €220 from their confirmation money to the Confirming Hope project which provides school packs to students in Malawi, Africa. Only for these school packs many children in Africa cannot go to school or receive an education. These packs included a school bag, copybooks, pens, pencils, ruler and erasers.

It is so wonderful to see young people taking action to help other young people across the world. It means so much to those on the receiving end.

A huge thank you boys and girls for your generous donations!

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