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Latest News - Page 2 of 35 - Scoil Mhuire National School

Chess Tournament

Congratulations to our 32 pupils who represented the school at the Féile Fichille hosted by Ficheall.ie on Tuesday last in the Maritime Hotel in Bantry. They did us proud and played some great chess. Thanks to Mr. O’Driscoll for all of his work and support.

First Class Making Christmas Cribs 2023

Encouraging Creativity

All the children in Rang 1 were encouraged to create their very own Christmas crib ..
And look at what amazing creations they had.. all designed to remind us of the that very First Christmas. 2024 years ago!

Well done everyone! So nice to see all that creativity being nurtured!

1st Class Making Christmas Puddings

Our very own Masterchefs !

Our Christmas Puddings were made in November,
All we put in them I quite well remember..
Currants and raisins and sugar and spice
Orange peel …lemon peel.
Everything Nice !

Pumpkin Patch October 2023

The school was full of excitement as children put in orders for their pumpkins..
Small or  large.. with / without a template…
The bales of straw arrived and all enjoyed the fun of stacking the bales.
The garden looked so festive as all the classes had really gotten into the spirit of the event by creating their very own classroom scarecrow and displaying it in various locations throughout the garden.

Rang 6 set up the stalls and delivered the pumpkins to the children. There was face painting and we were all treated to Jazz in the garden. Children and adults enjoyed sitting on the bales of straw on this beautiful autumnal afternoon and there was a great sense of celebration of the harvest, and much gratitude for fun , laughter and music in the garden, all of the above contributing to nurturing and enhancing a real sense of wellbeing all around! ,
Parents chatted and connected and thanks to our P.A. all the children were treated to hot chocolate and cookies.
Well done to all on making this such a huge success!

Senior Infants

Senior infants had lots of fun during science Week!