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The school embraced Friendship Week with great enthusiasm.  The focus was on the importance of friendship in our lives. These were some of the activities which we did in our class:

  • English:We read the story of the Rainbow People & Something Else which explored the importance of caring for others. We composed acrostic poems on Friends and created Friendship Recipes.
  • Friendship Lessons:We talked about ways they could be helpful and respect others. We also played friendship games, such as Friendship Bingo.
  • Secret Pal Week: We picked a name of someone in the class and did something nice for them during the week.
  • Collaborative Games: We played games that promoted co-operation and working together e.g. the Human Knot, I’m Your Friend.
  • Friendship Chain: We created a paper chain of all our friends.
  • Friendship Posters:We worked during the week on a Friendship Poster.
  • Friendship Tree (Random Act of Kindness):Every random act of kindness received was written on a friendship token and displayed on our Friendship Tree. Needless to say, space on our tree was at a premium by the end of the week as acts of kindness were being given and received at an exponential rate!

Friendship Bingo (2)Friendship Bingo (4)Friendship Bingo (5)Friendship Bingo (6)Friendship Bingo (9)

Our Friendship Bingo

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Our Collaborative Friendship Poster


Our Collaborative Games


Our Friendship Displays

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